'Stukent' Social Media Marketing Textbook

This year in social media marketing, we used 'Stukent' for our textbook. The textbook was named 'Essentials of Social Media.' This is a very fitting name for the textbook because the book contains all the basics you need to know about social media marketing. I thoroughly enjoyed how the book was divided; each chapter focused on a different platform. Within the chapters, there was information about the use of the platform and demographics. I personally loved the infographics; I find them to be the most effective way to present information. This is mainly because I am a visual and kinesthetic learner. I personally would have loved more interactivity throughout the book. However, the 'simternship' was purely interactive. This method was much more effective for me personally. In addition, the book covers large campaigns that occurred on the different platforms. This was very interesting to learn about; however, I wish I had paid more attention to these since many of them were on the exams.

Overall, I liked this book, but there is room for improvement or change. Finding something more interactive would be more beneficial, and I feel like it would cover all learning styles. The way the book is set up now is mainly geared toward people who are book-smart. By this, I mean people who learn from simply reading and reciting the book. These people typically are very good at memorization and sometimes have a photographic memory. This is a very rare type of person, and they are normally in the science fields. However, for people taking this class who are mainly business majors and other miscellaneous majors, potentially a different type of book would be more beneficial. I feel like maybe a book that was set up differently throughout the chapters, potentially with more diagrams or sorts of games within the book for memorization. Although I feel like I obtained the gist of the book, I feel like I am only going to remember the major things in a few months. Which is also an issue. The book dumps information and nothing else, which all books do, but if there were more types of learning throughout the book, the information would be perceived as more broken up, so your subconscious is learning. And that is when I truly learn.


  1. Addy,
    Thank you for sharing your view on all of this. I’ll be reading this book over the summer, and your detailed review is super insightful. It's reassuring to know that the chapters are well-organized by platform. I’m really looking forward to continuing with the "simternship" since it really is super engaging from everything I have done with it so far. I also really appreciate your point about needing more diverse learning tools to cater to different learning styles as I feel the exact same way and feel it is not brought up enough. I also am much better at visual hands on learning rather than just reading. Thanks again for your review. It’s given me a better idea of what to expect and how to get the most out of the book!


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