My Week

 This week at Ohio Northern has been interesting. I held my first AIGA meeting, which went super well. It was a resume-building workshop, and we had a good number of people show up. This made me feel good, as this is the first event I have held as president. It might make me seem like a bad president, but I did a lot behind the scenes. However, I definitely need to start stepping up more.

In addition, this week Alpha Xi is initiating our new members. This also excites me because I know one of them has been wanting to join since her freshman year, and this semester she was finally able to. I feel like these girls are such a good addition to our chapter. They are all very unique and funny. Not only that, they mesh well with literally everyone else in the chapter.

This week, I also wrote a speech for Honors Day for a nomination I submitted for one of my teachers. When I found out I had to speak in front of everyone, I quite literally gasped. But, I know I'll be fine since I truly want my professor to be recognized for all that he does.

On the flip side of things, this week has been really difficult. I feel exactly how I did right before spring break, which is bad. I get really down and have no motivation to do anything. Obviously, I still do all my work for school and attend the events I can for the organizations I'm in. But, I just feel like I've hit rock bottom, and I'm not really sure why. School is going well, and I have an amazing group of friends.

As I am writing this in my dorm on Wednesday, March 27, at 12:11 p.m., I am skipping a class. And this is the third I have skipped today. I fell asleep at 12 a.m. last night and slept until about 11. I did wake up for each of my classes, but I just couldn't go. I don't know what was wrong with me. I think I'm just spreading myself too thin at points and getting overly involved in superficial issues. And I need to start prioritizing myself more, so I don't just feel like a robot going through the motions of what it's supposed to do. Sorry. This was a mental dump as a blog post; however, I don't feel like I could write about anything else right now.


  1. This rant feels like a text message that I have sent to you before! As you know, I am always here for you and if you need anything, please let me know! I am very excited about our new members in Alpha Xi too! Your speech for Honor's Day sounds amazing and Brit will be so appreciative of your kind words! Love you XOXI!


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