Snapchat and Marketing

I use Snapchat pretty regularly, as many people my age do. I would say by no means am I an avid Snapchatter, but I am on the platform quite frequently. So, I was not surprised when the demographic infographic showed mainly people in the age range of 18-24. In addition, the infographic shows the United States is the second-leading country of Snapchat users, behind India. This also makes sense to me because India has the largest population overall.

However, I did not view Snapchat as a marketing platform prior to reading this chapter. The chapter remarks that Snapchat has a unique audience to raise brand awareness. I also didn't expect Snapchat advertising to be as successful as the chapter remarks. The book states that the advertisements on Snapchat receive twice the visual attention of Facebook advertisements. The large audience that is frequently on the platform allows companies to easily gain traction through their advertisements on Snapchat. I feel that when I view ads on the platform, I am not actually consuming the information of them. Because of the way the interface is set up on Snapchat, it is very easy to skip and overlook ads. This is more than likely why I didn't view this as a major marketing platform. This begs the question: Even though ads receive a large number of views, how many of the views actually promote an action? This means going to an external site to view a product or company, or potentially even purchasing something from the Snapchat ad.

One thing that stands out to me is that Snapchat does not offer a shopping feature on the platform. However, I know that you can purchase filters for a range of locations. Yet, they do not offer a shopping feature for companies to apply on the interface. Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook all have very popular shopping features on their platforms. I feel that Snapchat should offer a shopping feature because it would be extremely successful, in my opinion. Overall, I am a fan of Snapchat and now understand the marketing side of the platform.


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