Media with Maddy and Addy

Media with Maddy and Addy Podcast
With the hot topic of social media, Maddy and I talked about our personal experiences in the field. Maddy currently runs the PRSSA, Women in Business, and Alpha Xi Delta social media pages. I have a similar experience as I ran the Alpha Xi Delta social media pages last year. In addition, I currently run the Ottawa Hills girls' basketball and  AIGA ONU pages. I also run socials across all platforms for a podcast called “My Doctor Said What?” The goal of this podcast is to remove jargon your doctor may use and give everyday health tips to the general public. 

With our experience, we both had difficulties coming up with ideas. Especially with the sorority page. Managing the sorority page is very different from that of a normal page. In Alpha Xi, there is only one person in charge of the social media pages whereas in other sororities on campus, there is a committee dedicated to them. This not only puts the workload on one person but makes it more challenging to stand out from the other sororities on campus. I know when I ran the socials there would be times when another sorority would post very similar things to what I did and it was extremely frustrating. Luckily, Maddy has not experienced that but it is a concern of mine in the future for her. 

We also run similar pages for the AIGA ONU and the PRSSA. AIGA, the Association of Graphic Artists, here at Ohio Northern University often has speakers and other design-based events. This is similar to PRSSA since they both have speakers. Running this type of social media is very contradictory to the sorority because it is mainly design work and posting about speakers or upcoming events. These types of pages I have difficulty with because of how typographically heavy the designs can be. Having too much text on a single post can deter people from reading and attending the event — I am guilty of not fully reading posts if there is too much text; it's boring. So coming up with designs that are captivating and get the information across with as little text as possible can be challenging. 

Finally, running the Ottawa Hills girls’ basketball and podcast page is very different from all the other pages we run. Sports social media is very heavy in graphics and the posts are much less informative. The podcast stands vastly apart from the rest because it is video editing that I do. I either take clips from his weekly episode or I am sent a separate shorter video to post. Editing these videos is more time-consuming than I would have ever thought before taking this position. However, I feel that it is a great skill to learn because I have been able to use it in other circumstances.


  1. Creating this podcast together was so much fun! We learned a lot about each other and had a blast creating it! You created a brand within Alpha Xi Delta's Instagram page and I love carrying or maintaining the brand with my posts! We are so lucky to have already had these amazing opportunities at Ohio Northern and I can't wait to see what the future holds for both of us!


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