Marketing with LinkedIn

This chapter I found very interesting because I personally love LinkedIn. I use this platform daily. I am probably on it more than any other app on my phone — besides TikTok and Gmail. I love staying up to date on my emails. However, right now my app says that I have two unread emails, and I cannot find them anywhere, and it's bugging me. But I truly love LinkedIn. I feel like my profile is my baby, and I have been watching it grow and nurturing it by posting and commenting on relevant posts.

I have also been using this platform heavily for internship searches as well. I have probably applied for over 30 internships. However, recently I have found a couple of promising ones, such as a graphic design internship for the Toledo Zoo and Libbey Glass in Toledo. Both my grandma and aunt worked there, so I reached out to them to see if they could contact current employees they know to help me out and put in a good word. However, there is always a fallback option. My great-uncle owns a graphic design firm in Toledo. In fact, it was my great-grandpa who made the logo for the Mud Hens, a Triple-A baseball team in Toledo. So, it makes sense that a lot of my family leans toward the arts — it’s in our blood.

Circling back to the reading, I was surprised that there are so many different kinds of pages that you can create on LinkedIn. However, as I am thinking more about the platform, it makes sense to offer such a variety of options. People create pages on LinkedIn for a multitude of reasons such as hiring, job searching, professional development, and marketing for businesses. Obviously, personally, I use it for job seeking and professional development. But I really never thought about the versatility of the platform.

LinkedIn also allows for brand loyalty and deeper relationships with employees. This intrigued me because I hadn't really thought of LinkedIn as a platform to build relationships on. However, as I am writing this, I am realizing a connection fosters a professional relationship. Nonetheless, it makes sense that the platform builds relationships through connections and actions individuals can perform.

Connect with me on LinkedIn! 


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