YouTube Responds to COVID-19

This week's chapter is about marketing with YouTube. I used to be a daily YouTube watcher; in fact, when I was little, I posted slime videos — embarrassing. As I have gotten older, I no longer spend any time on that platform. However, I use YouTube TV all the time. I simply do not have time to binge videos anymore, other than when I am babysitting. The kids LOVE YouTube. Honestly, sometimes I get into it too; it’s funny. However, during COVID-19, I had to use YouTube a lot to watch lectures or videos required for my classes.

When I stumbled across YouTube's response to COVID-19, I found it interesting. YouTube created campaigns to spread awareness and information regarding COVID-19. This part did not surprise me. I feel that almost every company created campaigns because it had a large audience as well as need. What I thought was interesting was their updated community guidelines to include a page regarding COVID-19 misinformation. I hadn't thought about this earlier, but there surely was a large number of people trying to get clout by coming up with crazy conspiracies. In addition, YouTube created hashtags such as #StayHome and #WithMe. Both of these hashtags were done in an effort to keep people safe and separate but still in a community. YouTube also created a page, Learn@Home, that spread easily accessible information to families as learning resources. One that resonated with me the most was YouTube's monetization of content. YouTube saw the struggles small businesses or pages that were just starting were facing. Therefore, they helped them out by monetizing their videos to help earn them a little extra cash during struggling times. This stood out to me because I personally see YouTube as this big cloud that just facilitates information — not a company with actual employees. This act humanizes YouTube as it is reforming to help those who are struggling to get their feet off the ground. All in all, I feel that this segment of the chapter is always interesting. Comparing what major social media companies did in response and my personal life experience with it is always fascinating.


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